

Are you publishing your annual report, selling the business, raising venture capital, taking the company public, or sorting out your tax affairs?

The markets are flooded with financial information. International transactions are on the rise, and in the race to get your financial message out, it can easily get lost in translation.

In other words, your message or offering can lose its edge or fail to achieve the desired effect among foreign investors, analysts and shareholders.

The right words generate a quick ROI

Work on the assumption that the language in your document is the key to success. It doesn’t matter how impressive your numbers are if they’re not presented in words that are convincing and correct.

The right words to describe your numbers

Our expert copywriters, who have experience in a wide variety of sectors, will make sure you get your message across.

Contact Exacta Translations for professional financial translations that get results.

  • Annual reports
  • Interim reports
  • Fund reports
  • Prospectuses
  • Analysis
  • Budgets/Forecasts
  • Tax affairs
  • Regulatory affairs
  • Policies
  • Press releases
  • Articles